Oops ! Our English website is under development, we expect the development to be over by June , We highly regret the inconvenience caused.
Kindly bear with us and for enquiries please contact mail@kinlong.com .
Oops ! Our English website is under development, we expect the development to be over by June , We highly regret the inconvenience caused.
Kindly bear with us and for enquiries please contact mail@kinlong.com .
1. 设计阶段
2. 公司内部设计评审,客户外部评审;
3. 列出项目检查清单。
1. 进料检验,
2. 装配过程自检及设计工程师检查
3. 调试过程内部评审
4. 客户到工厂进行评审
5. 出厂前检查清单
1. 技术部协助编排安装调试工艺
2. 列出检查清单
1. 安装完成后3个月客户首次巡检制度,业内首创;
2. 6个月协助客户进行保养;
3. 设备使用一年后到客户处进行检查确认设备状态,必要时协助客户进行设备保养检修。